CBD oil and diabetes
Diabetes is a medical condition that affects a surprisingly large number of people around the world.
While there are all sorts of different and useful tips surrounding the treatment of diabetes, the severity of the condition requires that we try any available options.
There are some who recommend the use of CBD oil for diabetes, but it can be hard to feel confident when it comes to combining CBD and diabetes together.
Well? can you really use CBD oil to try to cure diabetes?
What is diabetes?
To properly understand if you can treat diabetes using CBD oil, we need to know exactly what started the diabetes. Although you may have heard of type 1 diabetes or even type 2 diabetes, you may not really know what the condition is all about.
Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to adequately use food for energy use. Your body needs to be able to convert any food it takes in into energy in the form of glucose. This is mainly done by an organ called the pancreas. The pancreas creates an incredibly important hormone known as insulin, which is our body’s primary way of getting glucose into our cells.
Diabetes and its various main types, including the lesser known gestational diabetes, are conditions that cause problems with your body trying to use insulin properly.
Let’s take a look at the two primary forms of diabetes so that we can better understand what is involved in treating them.
What are the two main types of diabetes?
Diabetes is generally divided into two different types, each of which has its own problems and roots. However, both are classified as chronic conditions and affect how your body reacts to both glucose and insulin.
Without a good supply of insulin, our bodies are unable to access the glucose they need to survive, causing all sorts of unpleasant side effects,
Type 1 diabetes, which is the type most associated with insulin injections, is actually a rare form. If you suffer from this type of diabetes, your body’s immune system misreports the cells that produce insulin.
This means that your body is actively attacking the cells that produce insulin, giving you an insufficient supply. This can cause serious problems with your ability to access energy.
Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes, by far the most common type, is more related to your body’s initial insulin production. Instead of your immune system being the problem, your pancreas is simply not making enough insulin.
This results in the blood glucose level being constantly very high, resulting in all the typical side effects that diabetes is known for. There is also a subdivision in type 2 diabetes where your body’s cells do not respond adequately to insulin. This is an even more unpleasant situation, as it means that regular insulin injections don’t work either.
So, of the two main types of diabetes, which is the worst?
Which type of diabetes is worse?
While both types of diabetes are incredibly unpleasant conditions that cause all sorts of undesirable results, there is certainly a better option. Type 2 diabetes is much easier to treat and less deadly, leading only to serious consequences if not handled properly.
However, it undoubtedly increases the risk of strokes or other blood pressure-related diseases, as well as causing damage to your limbs.
Regardless of which form of the disease is the worst, diabetes must be treated. What can you do to treat diabetes? What kind of treatment options are available?
What is the treatment for diabetes?
Due to the fact that the two different forms of diabetes are fundamentally different, each has its own ways of treatment.
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes results in an insulin deficiency throughout your body, so the first thing recommended for its treatment is regular doses of insulin. These insulin doses act as a supplement and allow your body to work more easily and process food.
They are usually administered either in your leg or, in the case of severe diabetic patients, through a command point in the abdomen. Doctors also recommend that you increase the amount of exercise you get in your daily life, as this can help regulate your blood sugar levels.
In addition, many people go on a diet known as the “type 1 diabetes diet”. This is a diet low in simple carbohydrates and other dangerous substances for diabetics.
They are mostly rich in fibre, protein and complex carbohydrates, allowing you to eat healthier while making it easier for your body to process it.
What causes type 1 diabetes?
The fact that so many people have to deal with this condition is really quite frightening, especially when it’s not really at all clear where they got it from.
Type 1 diabetes occurs because of a problem with your immune system. While some people can inherit a tendency to develop it, most of the time, it happens because of an accident.
Whether this accident is a serious infection in the body or an overreaction by your body’s immune system in response to something else, it doesn’t matter. The insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are suddenly under attack, suddenly making you a diabetic.
There is really no prevention but to make sure that you remain generally healthy at all times.
Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is definitely the type that most people think of when it comes to diabetes, and most apply when it comes to treating it as well. The main thing to do is to try to reduce your weight, as well as improve your overall health.
Weight loss is usually recommended for those who only have mild cases, as it can help your body to regulate your glucose levels properly.
However, if exercise and a better diet are not enough, there are a variety of different medications available for type 2 diabetics.
Along with occasional doses of insulin, you may be given medicines such as metformin, which is a medicine that helps your body’s process and treats insulin.
What causes type 2 diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is traditionally considered a human disorder, as it occurs as a result of poor diet and exercise. That’s basically true, for the most part. While genetic factors certainly come into play, if you have a particularly poor diet and a lack of exercise, your chances of developing this disease are very high.
However, this is not the whole picture – sometimes it just happens. Some people can develop insulin resistance over time for whatever reason. While we don’t yet understand it 100%, some people can develop it despite having excellent health.
Both types of diabetes cause serious problems for sufferers, sometimes even claiming their lives. Since regular drug options don’t always seem to work, could we use CBD oil to help treat diabetes?
Benefits of CBD oil in diabetes
CBD and diabetes are two things that have an extremely close relationship with each other. While most people don’t think about using CBD for diabetes, CBD can have a significant effect on diabetes.
This is because of the impact that CBD has on the endocannabinoid system. This health system is responsible for all sorts of different bodily functions. CBD is thus able to interact with many of these functions and create different effects.
For example, in a study by Horvath B. for the American Journal of Pathology, researchers found that the ECS was extremely helpful in encouraging your body to soothe diabetic complications. In addition, it was responsible for better regulation of blood sugar levels.
There was even some evidence that it could lead to lower insulin resistance over time, although a lot more research needs to be done to be absolutely certain.
In addition, CBD has been shown to drastically affect your circulatory system and also alter your blood pressure by relaxing the vascular walls. This reduction in blood pressure eases the pressure in your body, making the adverse effects of diabetes less unpleasant.
In addition, people have used CBD and other cannabinoids like it for centuries to try to deal with issues like diabetes. The only thing that has changed now is that scientists and the medical world in general are starting to cover up the conventional wisdom.
So what do you do if you decide you want to try taking some CBD oil for your diabetes? How much should you take?
CBD oil dosage for diabetes
The hard thing about finding the right CBD oil dosage, especially for diabetes, is that there really is no maximum. Taking CBD oil has no significant side effects and its effects are sometimes a little difficult to notice immediately.
This means that people take all different dosage levels and report varying findings, despite scientific evidence requiring minimal doses to be effective.
Ultimately, it depends entirely on your weight, your level of tolerance and your individual resistance to cannabinoids. While some people only take a regular dose of 25mg, others are approaching over 100mg a day of CBD oil to treat their diabetes.
The best thing to do is to research it in depth for the exact height, weight and exercise level. Gradually increase the dosage you take of CBD oil until you definitely feel it is working. Just keep in mind that the effects of CBD oil can sometimes be felt a little late.
This means that you could end up with a dose a little higher than you really need. Again, this is not a problem and will not cause you side effects, it will end up costing you more.
Final thoughts on CBD oil for diabetes
CBD oil for diabetes is almost certainly the last thing many people expect to find as a recommendation for treating such a serious condition. However, people have been using CBD for diabetes for centuries, even before they knew what it actually cured.
It turns out that cannabinoids have a beneficial effect on our bodies and help create all kinds of beneficial therapeutic effects and treatments. The key thing to remember is that this should not replace proper medical advice or prescription drugs from your doctor.
No one can tell you how serious your condition is except your doctor. Do not stop taking your insulin.
Instead, you can take CBD oil as a way to not only help cure some of the unpleasant effects of diabetes but also to try to prevent it. Through proper exercise, physical health and the right amount of cannabinoids, you can help avoid suffering from such intense and unpleasant conditions as diabetes.
Just don’t stop taking your insulin at the same time!
Source: naturalwellnesscbdoil.com