CBD oil with ISO 22000 certification

How many CBD oil producers with ISO 22000 certificate do you know? Exactly! Dutch Natural Healing is one of the few hemp oil manufacturers in the world that has been awarded the highest possible certificate for food safety and quality management. But why is it so important to have this certification for our production facility and management system?
Discover the most important benefits of ISO certified CBD oil production:

Certified CBD oil ISO 22000
Companies that produce food, such as Dutch Natural Healing, have a big responsibility. After all, consumers rely on our expertise and care during the production process. But what guarantees do you have? Because theoretically speaking, they could all pretend and say that their products are manufactured safely and maintained to the highest possible quality standards. Offering a product that is produced with poorly produced that comes from dirty home cooking. Unfortunately, something that happens a lot in this industry.

In addition, cannabis has enough time as it is. With regulators and food safety agencies making it difficult for cannabis farmers and oil producers to remain optimistic and foresee a bright future. At Dutch Natural Healimg, we have always tried to be a “safe beacon” and a stable player in this industry. A project that requires a large investment and has cost us too much energy over the years. Although fortunately, these efforts have now been recognised.

That’s why we are pleased – and proud – to present you with the ISO 22000 certificate. Because after years of hard work and gathering piles of documents, it is now official. We recently received the certificate that proves that our management and production process adhere to the highest possible standards regarding food safety. defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and audited by an official and accredited body. This ISO 22000 certificate covers basic systems management, personnel, internal and external communication and hygiene principles. And those are the reasons why it’s good to have it:

Food safety management
The ISO 22000 certificate focuses on every aspect of food safety, with the main objective of avoiding any possible “contamination”. This starts with a proper management system, with all the information needed to produce consistent, high quality CBD oil. For example, this includes a clear and interactive communication between all disciplines required in production. So that everyone knows exactly what they need to do and what has already been done in the production process.

This makes the job much easier, but it also helps us to focus on quality – as we have nothing else to worry about. Every part of the company’s management and internal communication is written and explained in the ISO documentation. Therefore, there is absolutely no room for error when producing ISO certified CBD oil!

Hygiene standards
Food safety is not food safety if it does not include hygiene standards. Because let’s be honest, this is one of the most important aspects of producing a safe and pure CBD oil. So, to finally get the ISO certificate for our CBD oil production facility, we had to up our game in terms of hygiene.

Obviously, we have already gone to great lengths to ensure that our facilities – and the products we make – were clean long before we even applied for the certificate. Although now, all these efforts are accurately recorded. to the specific detergents (storage and use) we use to clean specific objects. Among some other standards that we have now implemented and are implementing according to ISO 22000 standards.

Traceability: CBD from seed to shelf
One of the most important aspects of the certificate is that we ensure that every CBD oil product is traceable, “from seed to shelf”, if you will. This means that every supplier is registered, and every ingredient we use is documented upon arrival at our facility, for example. In addition, each batch of oil we manufacture is documented using a unique batch number. including the unique batch numbers of each ingredient per batch.

So if there is a recall for any ingredient or product used – or in case the quality is not to the highest standards – we know exactly which products to call back. Wherever they are in the world! Fortunately, this has not happened in the past – nor do we hope it will happen soon. And with all the quality management and testing standards, there’s a chance it will never happen. If and when it happens, we can solve it before it becomes a problem.
Guaranteed to be the best, ISO certified CBD oil available on the market.

Source: dutchnaturalheraling.com

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