Anxiety and stress disorders are a huge and growing problem nowadays. While often treated with heavy medications, these pharmaceuticals unfortunately offer the necessary concerns regarding safety and efficacy. Fortunately, research shows us that nature has its own safe anti-anxiety medicine: Cannabis! These are 3x CBD oil products derived from industrial hemp that can help you fight anxiety and stress:
What is CBD?
CBD is short for Cannabidiol, which is one of the many phytocannabinoids (plant = herbal) found in cannabis plants. Along with a number of other substances from industrial hemp, cannabinoids such as CBD appear to be able to support our health in many ways. They do so by interacting with our body’s endocannabinoid (endo = of the body) or ECS system.
The ESS is the largest communication network in the human body. With receptors spread throughout the body – including the brain – where they regulate a large number of different processes. Each of these is essential for our survival. Some cannabinoids seem to be particularly effective for treating anxiety problems and stress-related disorders, for example.
How does CBD help treat anxiety and stress?
The reason why cannabis products such as CBD seem to be effective against anxiety problems remains a bit of a mystery. Obviously one of the reasons behind this is the great lack of research on the subject. What we do know, though, is that it probably has to do with the effect of cannabidiol (CBD) on the levels of endocannabinoids and other neurotransmitters in our bodies. These include, but are not limited to, serotonin and dopamine, and the “happiness molecules”, anandamide and 2-AG.
Serotonin – like some of the other substances listed above – is a neurotransmitter that our bodies have to produce naturally. Its job is to help regulate our mood, sleep, digestive problems and behaviour, among other things. And as studies show, serotonin levels in the body play an important role in anxiety and depression. The lower the serotonin levels, the worse.
This is why most anxiety medications focus on regulating serotonin concentration. Although unfortunately, this type of heavy medication can have serious side effects that should not be overlooked. Therefore, an increasing number of people prefer to use natural remedies such as CBD oil over pharmaceuticals to combat anxiety and stress.
Research on CBD oil and anxiety
Because research shows that CBD interacts with the CB1 receptor and the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor. Along with a number of other cannabinoids in the brain. responsible for the regulation of fearful and anxious behaviour In addition, this 2015 review provides preclinical and clinical evidence demonstrating the efficacy of CBD in the treatment of certain anxiety disorders, such as:
– Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
– Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
– Panic disorder (PD)
– Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
– Social anxiety disorder (SAD)
How effective CBD is in treating social anxiety is demonstrated by a study where patients suffering from the disorder were asked to speak out in public. A terrible challenge for most people…! For the experiment, some of the patients were given a dose of 600 mg of CBD before proceeding to the scene, while others were given a placebo. All participants were asked to rate their anxiety levels with and without CBD use before speaking publicly.
Their results show that CBD treatment significantly reduced feelings of anxiety and embarrassment and improved cognitive function. While the placebo group showed increased levels of anxiety and stress, cognitive impairment and embarrassment were assessed using the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS).
Another more recent research paper from 2020 reviewed eight studies on the effectiveness of CBD in treating a variety of anxiety-related disorders. Provide evidence supporting CBD oil as an effective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. However, these studies show a big difference in dosage. With provided doses ranging from 6 to 600mg.
Which CBD product is best for treating anxiety?
Of course, the amount of cannabidiol in the oil is not the only thing that matters when trying to find an effective CBD product to treat anxiety. Because it sometimes involves the ingredients that support the synergistic action of the cannabinoid and increase the efficacy of the herbal substance. This is why our customers have reviewed the following products as some of the most effective against stress-related problems:
1. CBD oil 8%
One of the first products that comes to mind when talking about CBD is CBD 8% oil. An interesting blend containing 825mg of cannabidiol per 10 ml. It is supported by a wide range of other cannabinoids, terpenes and terpenoids for the best possible effect. With ± 3.5 mg of CBD per drop, this product is ideal for precise and lower dosing. Proven as an affordable product for first-time CBD users and potentially effective against mild anxiety or stress
2. CBDactive +
That’s where the unique CBDactive+ formula comes in. With this unique technique, we were able to increase the bioavailability of full-spectrum CBD up to 100%. This is about 10 times higher than that of regular cannabis oil products. This is because the special formula converts lipophilic cannabinoids (fat-soluble) into hydrophilic substances(water-soluble). So the 8mg of hydrophilic cannabidiol you get per pumping from our CBDactive + 10mlis comparable to 80 mg of lipophilic product! In addition, CBDactive+ ensures a faster onset of action and a more cerebral effect. It is supported by a number of other cannabinoids, terpenes, and even curcumin and vitamin E for the best possible effects on the brain.
3. CBG oil 3% (with CBD)
Last – but not least – on the list is a product you might not expect when it comes to CBD oil: CBG oil. A product that contains a 1:1 blend of CBD and CBG. Cannabigerol(CBG) is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in industrial hemp, like cannabidiol. Although where CBD focuses on receptors that interact with neurotransmitters such as serotonin and anandamide. CBG oil on the other hand inhibits the breakdown of GABA. In short, this is an amino acid that we naturally produce as well, mainly responsible for neutralizing certain stimuli in the brain. For example, GABA helps regulate motor function, vision and a range of emotional responses. such as anxiety and stress.
Also interesting article: “CBG oil: discover how Cannabegerol works in the body”
According to research, CBG may also help regulate the fight or flight response. A natural response that the human body activates in stressful situations, so that we can respond adequately to danger when needed. Although in some cases, the body activates this stress mechanism unnecessarily – potentially causing (chronic) anxiety and anxiety disorders. Fortunately, Cannabigerol is able to modulate the α2-adrenergic receptor. This reduces the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter norepinephrine or noradrenaline that causes anxiety. In other words, CBG oil could calm the body and mind with its unique effect on these ECS receptors.