Terpenes in CBD oil: an easy guide

Cannabis is an amazing plant with a complex biochemical profile. Including various compounds, some of which have amazing properties or even a serious therapeutic value. While you may know about the cannabinoids in industrial hemp, such as Cannabidiol (CBD), there are other types of elements in cannabis that should not be underestimated. Some of the valuable substances you definitely want CBD oil to contain in addition to cannabinoids, for example, are terpenes:

What are terpenes?
Terpenes are the aromatic compounds that give plants their unique smell. Including, but certainly not limited to, cannabis. In different combinations these elements can create hundreds of different scents in plants and flowers. In fact, many essential oils used for their fragrance owe their smell to terpenes. And when you think of the term “aromatherapy”, it is easy to realize that emitting a nice smell is not the only value of terpenes…

Terpenes in CBD oil
Terpenes can have an amazing effect on your health and well-being, even when you smell them. This is evidenced by the relaxing effect you experience when you smell lavender, for example. Or the feeling of energy you get when you get a whiff of pine trees in a forest. This is caused respectively by Linalool (lavender) or Pineneum (pine). Two terpenes which are also very common in most cannabis varieties! Other common terpenes in hemp – and Dutch Natural Healing’s hemp extracts and hemp oil – are:

One of the most common terpenes in hemp and its extracts is Myrcene. A substance also found in mango, eucalyptus, thyme, lemongrass and hops. From preliminary research, we know that Myrcene may have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that Myrcene may have sedative and antibiotic properties. Obviously, this makes it a welcome terpene in DNH’s CBD oil.

Another very common terpene in hemp oil is limonene. This substance is also found in high concentrations in citrus fruits, as you may have guessed from the name (lime). However, lemons and limes are not the only products you may have encountered with limonene transfer. In fact, this terpene is often used in cleaning detergents, insect repellents and anything with a lemon scent.

In addition, scientists believe that limonene may stimulate the healing of damaged mucosal cells in the digestive tract. Perhaps that is why it is believed to help reduce reflux and ulcers. Finally, Limonene also has the unique ability to help increase the absorption of other terpenes by the body. Making it also a valuable addition to our CBD products.

Pinene is undoubtedly the most common terpene in nature. It exists in two forms, alpha and beta-pinene. Although the alpha is the one we know best, because it is what gives pine trees their characteristic aroma. As mentioned above, the aroma of Pinene has an activating effect on brain function and increases concentration. This is due to the substance’s inhibitory effects on an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase, which is essential for mental clarity and memory function.

However, the effects of Pinene are not just felt in the brain. Considering its bronchodilator action it could potentially help breathing and help treat conditions associated with bronchitis. Besides, there is also evidence that Pineneum can effectively treat “untreatable” MSRA-bacteria. This is supported by findings on the antimicrobial properties of Pinene. This means that the terpene in CBD oil could potentially be effective in treating various bacteria and viruses, among many other potential medicinal uses.

One terpene that you may also be familiar with is Linalool. Taking this essence into account gives lavender its unique relaxing aroma. Thus, stress relief is one of the therapeutic actions of this terpene in CBD oil. Although research also shows that Linalool can potentially relieve pain, reduce feelings of depression, fight cramps, heal tumours and have antibacterial properties.

We have previously mentioned hops, the plant associated with cannabis that contains the terpene Myrcene. However, this is not the only terpene it contains, as it also contains large amounts of Humulene. A pungent, aromatic compound that resembles forest scent and is believed to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties and analgesic action.

Most interestingly, scientists have discovered that Humulene is capable of creating reactive oxygen particles that could oxidize cancer cells. In other words, this would mean that terpene could effectively slow down the growth of cancer cells and stimulate their natural death (apoptosis). Although we do not believe that the relatively low amount of Humulene in CBD oils will have the same effect. These findings need further research on the subject for the development of cancer drugs based on cannabis or terpene in the future.

In addition, researchers believe that the anti-cancer properties of Humulene work best in combination with another terpene: beta-caryophyllene. Beta-Caryophyllene (BCP) is also known as Caryophyllene, L-caryophyllene and trans-caryophyllene and is also found in other plants. Just like the terpenes mentioned earlier.
It is the main reason why black pepper is spicy and can also be found in rosemary, hops, basil and cloves.

However, BCP consists of a larger molecule than other terpenes. Considering this is the so-called sesquiterpene – with 3 isoprene units. While those listed above are monoterpenes – with 2 isoprene units. As a result, it also binds to the same CB2-receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) as CBD, giving the molecule some amazing properties in return. For example, it is believed that beta-caryophyllene may enhance the effects of certain anti-cancer drugs. Besides, there is still a patent pending for this substance as an apoptosis stimulant for cancer cells.

Other studies have found evidence suggesting that this particular terpene may: treat inflammatory diseases such as cystitis and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and local suppressive effects. In addition, some studies support the idea that BCP could help in the treatment of neuropathic and inflammatory pain, the multiple sclerosis (MS) and the HIV-related dementia. Finally, there are Data showing that the herbal compound could effectively help treat anxiety and depression.

Cooperative Action – Entourage Effect
Considering all these terpenes – and many others – come in different compositions in the cannabis plant, the so-called “terpene profile” ultimately decides the kind of effect you get from a particular cannabis product, such as oil CBD. Besides, the presence of terpenes in CBD oil will support and prolong the effects of the cannabinoid. This is something we call Cooperative Action. And from our experience, the more complex the terpenic profile, the stronger the terpenic profile, the stronger the Cooperative Action. Clearly, this is the main reason why DNH’s high quality CBD products are rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. This ensures the best possible interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ESS) for maximum effects of CBD oil in the body.

Keep in mind, however, that cats cannot handle terpenes the way humans do. This is mainly due to the fact that cats are naturally carnivorous. This means that their bodies are not equipped to process certain plant substances. Thus, cats lack the enzyme “glucuronyltransferase”, which is responsible for the breakdown of terpenes. Hence the fact that our CBD for cats is completely terpene-free, unlike CBD for dogs or terpene-rich CBD oil for humans.

Source: dutchnaturalhealing.com

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