Hemp seed oil versus hemp seed oil

Hemp is a very versatile plant, giving us almost everything we need to survive. Some of the most common products derived from hemp, however, are hemp seed oil and hemp oil. Two popular substances with some similarities and big differences. Well, without further ado, let’s delve in and discover the difference between the various uses of hemp seed oil and hemp seed oil:

Hemp plant
Cannabis (Cannabis Sativa L.) is an ancient plant that has sustained humanity for thousands of years. Providing strong fibres that our ancestors used for clothes, ropes and sails for ships, for example. We have recently discovered fibre and we are starting to use it more and more. For example, it can replace cotton to produce sustainable clothing and durable hemp garments. But it is also used in the production of interior cars and houses now.

And while the oldest traces of hemp fibres were found in Asia and are believed to be more than two thousand years old. The plant was and is not only used for its strong and flexible fibres. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that cannabis was widely used as a food centuries ago. While now we are slowly getting back to basics with hemp seed (oil) as a popular superfood and hemp-derived substances such as CBD as food and health supplements.

What is hemp seed oil?
The most common form of cannabis food is the hemp seed oil. This is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the cannabis flower. Hemp seeds, and therefore their oil, are literally loaded with healthy fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. However, hemp seed oil also contains minerals such as magnesium, iron, zinc and calcium and a healthy dose vitamin E. As it contains everything the plant needs to germinate in its early days, the little cannabis seed is filled with “fuel for life”, so to speak. Making it – and its oil – a popular superfood these days.

Hemp seeds can be eaten raw and are often peeled and crushed to be mixed with yoghurts and other products. Although there are hundreds of healthy snacks and other products using raw seeds. The same applies to hemp oil. Which can be used for cooking or salad dressing; or infuse whatever it is you want to infuse with the healthy fats and minerals found in the hemp seed.

Although don’t expect miracle cures or heavy therapeutic effects from hemp seed oil. Because, although it contains healthy substances, hemp seed oil is not the same as hemp seed oil, the health supplement that takes the world by storm. Although hemp oil may contain some hemp seed oil, both are made using different parts of the industrial hemp plant.

What is hemp oil?
Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant, as the name suggests. Although hemp CBD oil on the other hand comes from whole hemp flowers and leaves. Consequently, hemp extracts from hemp flowers do not naturally contain the same healthy fatty acids as hemp seed oil produced from seeds. Although it contains a variety of other healthy substances such as waxes, leaf greens, cannabinoids and terpenes.

These crude cannabis extracts, however, are often thick in structure. Making them hard to work with and harder to dose. This is why hemp extracts are often diluted using a carrier oil, such as hemp seed oil, to produce hemp oil. An easier to use and healthy dietary supplement, containing every healthy substance naturally present in cannabis in our case. Whereas we keep our CBD-rich hemp oil as close to the plant as possible, for the best effects on your health and well-being.

After all, cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) are what makes hemp oil such a popular dietary supplement. As it turns out, the CBD in hemp oil can interact with the body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS) to help support and balance a variety of essential processes for our survival. Ability to provide a variety of impacts that could affect your health in a positive way. That’s why it is believed that hemp oil – also known as CBD oil – can also be used to improve your overall well-being.\

Source: dutchnaturalhealing.com

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